salesforce apex trigger before delete alert condition

In Salesforce Apex, you can create a trigger that runs before records are deleted from an object. To implement an alert condition in a “before delete” trigger, you can perform the necessary checks and generate alerts based on your specific requirements. Here’s an example of how you can achieve this:

trigger MyObjectBeforeDeleteTrigger on MyObject__c (before delete) {
    public static void beforeDeleteHandler(List<MyObject__c> records) {
        // Perform your alert condition check here
        for (MyObject__c record : records) {
            if (/* Your alert condition */) {
                // Generate the alert
                // You can use different methods to generate the alert, such as sending an email, creating a task, etc.
                // Example: Send an email alert
                Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                email.setToAddresses(new List<String>{''});
                email.setSubject('Alert: MyObject__c record is being deleted');
                email.setPlainTextBody('The following record is being deleted: ' + record.Id);
                Messaging.sendEmail(new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>{email});
    // Trigger handler
    public static void handleBeforeDelete(List<MyObject__c> records) {

In this example, the MyObjectBeforeDeleteTrigger trigger fires before records of the MyObject__c object are deleted. The beforeDeleteHandler method performs your alert condition check, and if the condition is met, it generates an alert. This example demonstrates sending an email alert, but you can modify it to fit your specific needs.

Remember to replace MyObject__c with the API name of your object, and update the alert condition and alert generation logic according to your requirements.

Additionally, ensure that you handle any governor limits and bulk processing considerations when working with triggers to avoid potential issues.

If you want to display an alert message on the screen and prevent the deletion of records in a “before delete” trigger in Salesforce Apex, you can use the addError() method on the records you want to prevent from deletion. Here’s an example:

trigger MyObjectBeforeDeleteTrigger on MyObject__c (before delete) {
    public static void beforeDeleteHandler(List<MyObject__c> records) {
        // Perform your alert condition check here
        for (MyObject__c record : records) {
            if (/* Your alert condition */) {
                // Display an alert message on the screen
                record.addError('Deletion is not allowed for this record.');
    // Trigger handler
    public static void handleBeforeDelete(List<MyObject__c> records) {

In this example, if the alert condition is met for a record, the record.addError() method is used to add an error message to the record. This error message will prevent the deletion of the record and display the message on the screen to the user. You can customize the error message to suit your needs.

By adding an error to the record, the deletion operation will be rolled back, and an error message will be displayed to the user, indicating that the deletion is not allowed for that particular record.

Remember to replace MyObject__c with the API name of your object and update the alert condition according to your requirements.